Developer updates

Main Site

🔭 Future update: Instructor search and Groups

The next planned features for CougarGrades include the “Instructors” page and another feature (temporarily) named “Groups”. These are the pages that have been greyed out and marked with a “🔒” in the navigation bar at the top of the site.

In order for these features to work as intended, certain statistics will need to be computed for the entire grades database before work can begun on the interface itself. Those statistics have been periodically worked on and are reaching completition. The goal is to have the Instructors feature available by the start of the Spring 2020 semester, which will be Monday, January 13, 2020, and the “Groups” feature completed at a later date because the current planned design is more elaborate to develop than previous areas of the site.

Site growth

Since the launch of CougarGrades in September 2019 until today, the website has received over 2800 unique visitors through organic growth. This includes positive reception on the subreddit /r/UniversityOfHouston. I am blown away with the positive feedback and I’m thankful that the UH community finds CougarGrades useful. 😄